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My Best Friends.......

Author: Mohd Muzammil

Enter this month, already 3 semester I stay in UNITAR Bharu city..sorts experience and seasoning seasoning life I cross here. Especially once, I experience first time apart with own family and live with friends.

Friends...Ermm..here I sense, they la I friend eternity world, not ever I meet as good friend they..train me know what is life and value friendship..

I not simple kind or kind man ..I fuss, talk past, and many negative thing is adequate I personi..did not expect design could be sustained with I..ngeh..ngeh..ngeh..

In The Kota Bharu ..I live in aparment. At first I live 9 people but..SO 8..and less more..and now stay 7 only..because all move at Kelana Jaya.In Bharu's City This..only university branch only..In Kelana Jaya that Universiti Tun Abdul Razak's centre (UNITAR)

Friend...I good friend near the house practically all...nomi, ady, apih, boye, daus, amin, nusi, and not forget..To..

If Nomi This..quite fond laugh, but sometimes..trouble also..always only have girlfriend problem...

Ady..."brother long" on the house..if there is any problem..he place particle suffixed to the emphatic word in sentence report..he clever in tackle ...

Apih..he this does not much talk..but, if dah excluded."poisonous"talk lu.. aware guarantee if listen him have sentence..hehe..

Daus...most help a lot me financially..he this strong babbling..beat woman, but..he this kind....

Amin...ermm fuss this child, he this youngest in this house..full attitude with infantile..usually ..."child"

Nusi... quite grotesque little his manner this..when his dusk sleep..when sleep dusk..surprised I..but he this other big brothers kind also..good..

Boye..he this hehehe..one head with me..like sing..he this strong sport..but those surprised ..were also lecturer smitten by he this..ermm..what knowledge he wears even I do not know..

To..his singles chinese in this house..but already changed to success wanderer semester ni...want take mejor..he ni quite "Rheumatic" little..but, if is the problem cause language english..reference that with him..on settle..he this does not stingy knowledge..hardworking get up early and always wake we lazy to get up this morning.

Ermmm..., was a person more..he I know I time in semester 2..name he Erah..hehe..he ni relatively sensitive, good..AND "recalcitrant"....he this jugak is ex-girlfriend to one of the people "brother" in I rented house ni..she's cute and beautiful..(aware la tu)..soft aja..but if dah angry..ish3x...on being lion..hahahah..do not be angry erah erk..hihih..

By the way, I even nothing want to write..only, I hope..this semester I friends still stands with I..hehehe...and good luck for all my friend in the new semester...




Author: Mohd Muzammil

Ermm..tak de aktiviti pon aku buat mase cuti nih..bosan gak,tapi nak buat camner memang jenis aku ni tak suke kuar umah...by the way, esok result pekse aku kuar..berapa la pointer aku dapat..takot gak..sebab sem lepas dah jatuh..gara-gara program mpm kat unitar tu...banyak sangat.. nak study pon tak sempat (alasan tu..) belajar pon,last minit jer...sebb tu lah jatuh teruk dari tingkat 18 ke tingkat 1..(nasib baik tak mati)..hehe.


Mase ni jugak, aku tengah pikir..camner la imej aku untuk next sem..ermm..botak sudah,skema sudah,serabut pon sudah..nak buat camner plk erk...mase pon tak cukop ni..sebb aku ade dua hari lagi untuk melangkah ke sem baru tak sabar pon ade..hihi...maklumla sebulan tak jumpe ngan kawan-kawan...

Ok la sampai cini jer kot... bosan ar..akak aku tu...asyik panggil2 jer..bosan tul...


Malam BBQ......

Author: Mohd Muzammil

Fuhh...pejam celik-pejam celik dah abes dah sem 3 yang aku lalui kat kat unitar ni...ermm..Hari last malam tu,aku n kawan-kawan buat makan-makan sikit.."bakar ayam" or bbq...bende ni la lama d rancang..tp time ni barulah kiteorang berjaya menjayakan misi ni..misi bakar ayamm..hehehhe....

muke poyo..hehe

BBQ ni jugak kami buat sempena majlis pepisahan kami semua dengan "mat To"..satu-satu nya bangsa cina lam umah sewa kami..die ni kadang-kadang "sengal" jugak..tp takper..kiteorang ok jer ngan die..die jugak leh dikatakan "abang ngah "lam umah ni..sebab die kedua tertua di kalangan kiteorang...

Nak dijadikan cerita..malam tu ala2 disco la umah kiteorang..yang best lagi tu, ade la dua tiga orang geng2 pompuan join kiteorang....heheh..ade la penyeri sikit...tapi...kiteorang ni budak2 baik(mempoyokan diri sendiri) tak kacau anak2 dara orang ni...huhuh..